Sunday, December 22, 2013

What's in a name?

My need to photograph the world began at a young age. I started taking pictures of my pets in the field when I was 10 years old with my Dad's Nikon camera. I remember sneaking around his office to steal it away for a few shots just to see what would come out after the film was developed.  Dad's camera equipment was off-limits, so capturing a quick picture of my cat in the sunlight was an adventure at times.

There were days when Mom let us use the camera only if we promised not to break it and have it back in its place before Dad came home from work.  We would dress up in our finest glamour shot outfits, cake on the makeup and set up shop in the living room next to a window that gave us just the right amount of light. 

I have always been an artist; however, the digital revolution changed my world at age 19.  I purchased a version of Adobe Photoshop to start editing photos and began to squish, pull, twist, and discolor every image I could find.   After several years of simply messing around with the program, I decided to use it for a purpose.

Soon, I had requests for engagement and wedding photos, logo designs, and more lined up on my busy schedule of things to do.  I thought, maybe I should take the next step and become a real business.  And that I did, in 2008 Ooh! Aah! Creative, LLC. was born on the sixth floor of my River market loft in Downtown Kansas City. 

The name says it all. As I spent most of my life being a complete fool (a monkey of sorts) for the camera and for art in general; performing on stage for a production, singing opera at weddings or bouncing around in the pool reenacting Olympic synchronized swimming for my nieces, I felt it necessary to come up with a name that would define someone as crazy as myself.  Thus, Ooh! Aah! Creative was born.